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Joined March, 2023

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Understanding Holy Week: A Guide for Elementary School Teachers

As educators, it's essential for us to be aware of and respect the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of our students. With Holy Week approaching, it's an opportune time to deepen our understanding of this significant observance in the Christian faith, and how we can create inclusive and respectful classroom environments for all our students.

Holy Week, also known as Passion Week, is the week leading up to #Easter Sunday, commemorating the final days of Jesus Christ before his crucifixion and resurrection. For Christians around the world, it is a time of reflection, prayer, and devotion.

Here's a brief overview of the key events during Holy Week:

Palm Sunday: This marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where crowds welcomed him by waving palm branches and laying down their cloaks on the road.

Maundy Thursday: On this day, Christians commemorate the Last Supper, where Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples. It's also when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a symbol of humility and service.

Good Friday: Good Friday solemnly observes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It's a day of reflection on Jesus' sacrifice and the significance of his death for Christians.

Holy Saturday: This day is a time of anticipation and waiting, as Christians reflect on Jesus' descent into hell and await his resurrection.

Easter Sunday: The most significant day in the Christian calendar, Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, symbolizing hope, renewal, and new life.

For teachers, incorporating knowledge about Holy Week into classroom activities can promote cultural understanding and empathy among students. Here are some suggestions:

Education through Stories: Share age-appropriate stories about Holy Week and its significance in the Christian faith. Encourage open dialogue and questions from students to foster understanding.

Art and Craft Activities: Engage students in art and craft projects related to Holy Week, such as creating palm leaf art for Palm Sunday or crafting crosses for Good Friday. These activities can be both educational and enjoyable.

Respectful Language and Behavior: Emphasize the importance of respecting diverse religious beliefs and practices. Encourage students to be mindful of their language and behavior towards classmates who may celebrate Holy Week.

Cultural Awareness: Take this opportunity to teach students about different religious traditions and celebrations around the world, promoting cultural awareness and acceptance.

Reflection and Empathy: Encourage students to reflect on the themes of sacrifice, forgiveness, and compassion during Holy Week. Promote empathy towards others and the importance of showing kindness and understanding.

By embracing the diversity of religious observances such as Holy Week, we create classrooms that are inclusive and respectful environments for all students. Through education and empathy, we can foster a greater understanding of different cultures and traditions, nurturing a more harmonious society for future generations.

😀 Activities


United States


March 25, 2024

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Unraveling Earth's Circumference: The Ingenious Method of Eratosthenes

In ancient times, when the concept of a spherical #Earth was still taking root, #Eratosthenes, a polymath from ancient Greece, made a groundbreaking discovery that revealed the Earth's circumference. Born in Cyrene (modern-day Libya) around 276 BCE, Eratosthenes' contribution to #geography and #mathematics remains unparalleled.

Eratosthenes' method for measuring the Earth's circumference was both simple and ingenious. He noticed that on a specific day each year, the summer solstice, the Sun would cast no shadow on the town of Syene (now Aswan, Egypt) due to its proximity to the Tropic of Cancer. However, in #Alexandria, a city to the north of Syene, a shadow was still cast by a vertical object such as a sundial or a vertical stick. Eratosthenes realized that this difference in shadow angles could be used to calculate the Earth's circumference.

Using basic #geometry, Eratosthenes measured the angle of the shadow cast in Alexandria and the distance between Syene and Alexandria. By applying principles of proportion, he estimated the Earth's circumference to be approximately 250,000 stadia, which is roughly equivalent to 40,000 kilometers – remarkably close to the modern-day value.

Eratosthenes' method was revolutionary not only for its accuracy but also for its reliance on empirical observation and mathematical reasoning. It demonstrated the power of scientific inquiry and laid the foundation for future advancements in geography and astronomy. His work helped to establish the spherical shape of the Earth and paved the way for further exploration and understanding of our planet's dimensions.

Today, Eratosthenes' legacy endures as a testament to the brilliance of ancient scholarship and the enduring quest for knowledge about our world. His method remains a shining example of how curiosity, ingenuity, and meticulous observation can unlock the mysteries of the universe.

📝 Personal Notes



March 20, 2024

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What are Creative Commons licenses and how to use them on @elemedu?

If you are a creator of educational resources, you might want to share your work with others online. But how can you do that without giving up your rights or losing control over your content? That's where Creative Commons licenses come in.

Creative Commons licenses are a set of legal tools that allow you to grant certain permissions to the public while retaining your copyright. They let you choose how others can use your work, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, whether they can make changes or adaptations, and whether they have to share their modifications under the same terms.

By using a Creative Commons license on your work, you make it clear to other users what they can and cannot do with it. You also contribute to a growing pool of content that can be freely copied, distributed, edited, remixed, and built upon, all within the boundaries of copyright law.

There are six different types of Creative Commons licenses, each with a different combination of permissions and restrictions. You can choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences by answering two simple questions:

- Do you want to allow commercial use of your work?
- Do you want to allow modifications of your work?

Depending on your answers, you will get one of these licenses:

- CC BY: This license allows anyone to use your work for any purpose, as long as they give you credit. This is the most permissive and open license.
- CC BY-SA: This license allows anyone to use your work for any purpose, as long as they give you credit and share their modifications under the same terms. This license is similar to the one used by Wikipedia and other open source projects.
- CC BY-NC: This license allows anyone to use your work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as they give you credit. This license is suitable for creators who want to limit the commercial exploitation of their work.
- CC BY-NC-SA: This license allows anyone to use your work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as they give you credit and share their modifications under the same terms. This license is suitable for creators who want to limit the commercial exploitation of their work and encourage collaboration and remixing.
- CC BY-ND: This license allows anyone to use your work for any purpose, as long as they give you credit and do not make any changes or adaptations. This license is suitable for creators who want to preserve the integrity of their work.
- CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows anyone to use your work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as they give you credit and do not make any changes or adaptations. This license is suitable for creators who want to preserve the integrity of their work and limit the commercial exploitation of their work.

You can learn more about each license and its symbols on creativecommons.org/licenses/.

Once you have chosen a Creative Commons license for your work, you can apply it easily on @elemedu. Here are the steps:

- Create a new account or log in to an existing one
- Upload your educational resource (e.g., lesson plan, worksheet, etc.)
- Fill in the required information about your resource (e.g., title, description, subject, grade level, etc.)
- Choose a Creative Commons license from the drop-down menu
- Click on "Upload file"

That's it! Your resource will now have a Creative Commons license attached to it, which will be visible to other users on @elemedu. They will be able to see what permissions and restrictions apply to your work and how to attribute you properly.

That's all! Thank you for choosing @elemedu and Creative Commons licenses!

April 23, 2023

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10 books every teacher should read 📚

As a teacher, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in education. On this #WorldBookDay, we suggest you ten books that cover a wide range of topics, including classroom management, reading instruction, growth mindset, and teaching students from low-income families:

1. "The First Days of School" by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong
2. "The Book Whisperer" by Donalyn Miller
3. "Teach Like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess
4. "The Growth Mindset Coach" by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley
5. "The Curious Classroom" by Harvey Daniels
6. "Notice and Note" by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst
7. "The Reading Strategies Book" by Jennifer Serravallo
8. "The Daily Five" by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
9. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
10. "Teaching with Poverty in Mind" by Eric Jensen

We hope you find these books helpful in your teaching journey!

January 28, 2024

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2 Απριλίου - Παγκόσμια μέρα παιδικού βιβλίου 📚📖

Παγκόσμια μέρα παιδικού βιβλίου στις 2 Απριλίου κι εμείς σας προτείνουμε μερικά εξαιρετικά βιβλία της παιδικής λογοτεχνίας είτε για να τα αξιοποιήσετε στο σπίτι είτε μέσα στην τάξη.

👉 Η κυρία Γενναιοδώρα της Νικολέτας Καπίλλα, εκδόσεις Βιβλιοσκόπιο
Ένα βιβλίο για παιδιά 3-5 ετών, στο οποίο μέσα από μια πρωτότυπη ιστορία περιγράφεται πόσο σημαντικοί είναι οι τρόποι συμπεριφοράς στη ζωή και τα προβλήματα που προκαλούνται όταν αυτοί δεν τηρούνται.

👉 Δον Κιχώτης ή ο ιππότης που βγήκε από τα βιβλία για να αλλάξει τον κόσμο του Αντώνη Παπαθεοδούλου, εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος
Μια διασκευή του αριστουργήματος της παγκόσμιας λογοτεχνίας Δον Κιχώτης του Μιγκέλ ντε Θερβάντες, για παιδιά ηλικίας από 6 ετών και άνω.

👉 Πράσινος πλανήτης της Leisa Stewart-Sharpe σε μετάφραση του Μιχάλη Μακρόπουλου, εκδόσεις διόπτρα
Ένα βιβλίο για το πως «λειτουργεί» και ποια είναι η σημασία των φυτών, του περιβάλλοντος. Το βιβλίο είναι βασισμένο σε ντοκιμαντέρ του BBC και είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά ηλικίας 8 ετών και άνω.

👉 Ο άτλας του χρόνου του Tommaso Maiorelli σε μετάφραση της Στέλλας Πεκιαρίδη, εκδόσεις διόπτρα
Ένα εικονογραφημένο βιβλίο όπου παρουσιάζονται τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα της παγκόσμιας Ιστορίας από τη γένεση του Σύμπαντος μέχρι την ψηφιακή επανάσταση. Το βιβλίο είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά 12 ετών και άνω.

👉 Τα παιδιά του γαλάζιου πλανήτη του Άντρι Σνερ Μάγκνασον σε μετάφραση του Φίλιππου Μανδηλαρά, εκδόσεις Πατάκη
Ένα βραβευμένο μυθιστόρημα που μιλά για τα όνειρα που πραγματοποιούνται και ποιοι είναι οι κίνδυνοι που ελλοχεύουν αν αυτά τα όνειρα πραγματοποιούνται με μοναδικό γνώμονα το ατομικό συμφέρον. Ένα βιβλίο που «μιλά» στα παιδιά για την ηθική. Είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά 9-12 ετών.

January 28, 2024


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